Getting Your Autoresponder Messages Through The Spam Filters

Considering the spam issue, most email customers now

have spam channels introduced. These channels get spam

email and either move it to a 'spam organizer' or

naturally erase it. In the wake of expenditure
of time working on your series of autoresponder

messages, it would be a pity to discover that the

larger part of the messages that are sent end up

in the spam organizer, or are naturally erased as


You can keep prevent this two ways. In the first place, when anybody

subscribes to get data from your

autoresponder, have them naturally diverted

to a page that gives them directions for 'white

listing' you. Email customers have a real whitelist

where the proprietor of the email customer can add explicit

addresses that ought to never be viewed as spam.

The alternate method to ensure that your autoresponder

messages overcome the spam channels is to check

them utilizing one of the different spam checkers that

are accessible on the web. These softwares are frequently web

based, and free to use. They check your message

for words or expressions that regularly trigger spam

channels in email customers. Try not to send any

autoresponder messages without doing a spam

check first!


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